Lamborama! – Leg of Wicklow Spring Lamb with Bright Vegetables

Roast leg of lambI like a nice bit of leg. Lamb leg that is. Not that I don’t admire a nicely turned ankle. But, this is not the place to discuss such things. And, as a small aside, I had my own pins described recently as “I’ve seen better legs on a snooker table”. I will save you the need to pass comment here on all matters leg related except for the spring lamb. Continue reading

Spiced leg of lamb and the seven-year itch.

Spiced leg of lambSeven years ago, I made a wrong decision. I set my relationship with the Wife back. So often, one does these things and the marriage never recovers. I take responsibility for my actions back then. I feel it’s time to make it up now. She deserves having things put right. My children deserve my putting the record straight. I deserve a future with a clearer conscience.

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Rump of lamb – Not a favourite with the name dropping crowd.

Rump of lambThere is a tendency in many social circles to ‘name-drop’. I hate it. Only the other day, I was saying this to the Queen of England and she told me that neither she nor Michelle Obama approve of it. Bad enough at dinner parties and gatherings where people hob-knob but this ugly behaviour has now spread to food blogging. Continue reading

Shepherd’s Pie – Time to face the real issues.

Shepherd's Pie People are so easily thrown off the real issue. Food people are the easiest of all. Suckers. Ask them about Shepherd’s Pie and it’s simple to move them away from the real deal and distract them with talk of “Beef or Lamb?”. A quick search of the internet will expose the great and the good arguing why it must be lamb. Others take the view that beef is essential. Some miserable scribes show their complete lack of moral fiber by suggesting that a mix of the two is the answer. Pathetic.   Continue reading

Shish Kebabs for the dedicated follower of fashion

Got Ya! My fashion headline did the trick and has roped you into the first paragraph. We had family over recently and I decided to barbecue. The forecast was for rain. This meant that it probably wouldn’t. In Ireland, the weather likes to do its own thing. Like the weather, I like to do my own thing too. Back in the day when I was a youth and interested in my appearance, I did some pretty funky fashion stuff, believing myself to be the coolest thing on the catwalk.

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How slow can you go?

The Internet has speeded everything up. The world is getting smaller and everything is getting faster. However, here in Dublin, slow can be better. We had some friends coming over for dinner. I wanted to do something warming, wholesome and easy to prepare.
My good friend and food enthusiast L was one of the guests. L and I had been discussing our slow cooking triumphs and disasters. This had turned into a quest to see just ‘How slow can you go?‘.

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