Meat reheat part 2 – Wave goodbye to Fish Pie

When I brought up the serious topic of ploughed potato fields versus potato mountains on Shepherds Pie, I thought I had put all the arguments to bed. There were some feeble-minded individuals who suggested that I might have been wrong about the ploughed fields. I will deal with them another time. Flori over at Flori Cooks had the effrontery to suggest that the mountains on a Fish Pie should be replaced with waves. “WAVES?” I thought. Where does she get off telling me how to do my fish pie? Continue reading

Fantastic Fish Pie – family favourite food

Crisp on the outside, hot and full of flavour on the inside. Fish Pie.

My late father first brought me fishing for the first time, on the West Pier in Dun Laoghaire, when I was 4. This started a life long love for fish. In my earlier years, I got most pleasure from catching them. Due to a total absence of effective regulation and total overfishing has left the Irish Sea coast bereft of fish, today, my entertainment comes from cooking them. Continue reading