About the man

Born in Dun Laoghaire, outside Dublin, I have lived all my life here in Ireland. Since 1993, I have run Firstcom, a communications company based in Dublin, Ireland. When I am not working, I like to cook for my family and friends. I am also a keen photographer. My eldest daughter Lucy (who was a blogger herself talked me into starting this blog as a way of getting more out of my combined writing, photography and food interests. Lucy went on to stick a pen in my back by entering the food blogging space with her Decidedly Delicious blog. She had restricted her activities to the sweeter end of things and has since gone on to do better things than blogging. However, I am a bit concerned she may start blunting my knives and pilfering my pots. Ladles at dawn, I think…

I hope you like what you see here. If you do, comment, tell your friends and come back. If you don’t, come back when you are in a better mood. Tell your friends anyway.

Thanks for visiting,


160 thoughts on “About the man

  1. Dai,
    You are so like my eldest daughter. She is studying International Commerce here in Dublin. As she was going into 4th year and wanted to get ahead of her peers, she started her own blog at http://www.shallowpockets.eu. She started it to understand the blogosphere and to try to stay on top of how the web is changing the world. I have a very leisurely one-a-week posting schedule set up. I am enjoying it no end.

    Take care,



  2. I’d love to visit Ireland some day! It seems wonderful. The closest I’ve gotten so far is last week I took my daughter to see “Celtic Thunder”. (it was awesome, by the way!) I’m part Irish on my dad’s side (of course, I’m part just-about-everything on my dad’s side!). Anyway, thanks for coming by my blog the other day…


  3. I’m loving your blog Conor and have just started mine – thanks for the like! Funnily enough, I was in St Emillion three days ago and enjoyed visiting some of the vineyards on the way back to Duras where we are staying for a time. I see you have a post about the place too – small world…


    • Hi Paul, I only started 12 weeks ago and am getting a deal of fun from it. I am envious of your being over there. I yearn to get back next summer. The blog gives me something to focus on that I enjoy. I think that people who like to cook naturally like to share. The blog is a great way of doing that. Keep at it,


    • Hi Judy,
      2lb pork fillet
      1.5 tablespoons soy sauce
      1.5 teaspoons fermented bean curd cheese ( essential to the flavour)
      1.5 tablespoons rice wine or dry sherry
      1 tablespoon soy bean paste
      .5 teaspoon salt
      1.5 teaspoon honey
      1 tablespoon oil.

      Put the pork in the marinade and turn it every half hour for three hours or so. Heat the oven to VERY HOT. Roast the pork for 12 minutes at the top of the oven, turning once during the cooking. Take it out, let it stand for 5 minutes. Cut across the steak into quarter inch slices. Otherwise let it cool completely and slice it then. Truly delicious. I got it from The Complete Encyclopedia of Chineese Cooking published by Hamlyn in 1979. You should see the state of my copy. Well worn and splashed with soy, rice wine and lots of other stuff over the 20+ years I have been using it.


  4. Hello Conor!

    Just wanted to say thank you for stopping my blog and taking the time to leave a comment and subscribe to it 🙂 Gives me encouragement to keep up the posts in spite of a busy work schedule.
    I love the pics on your site too and saw that you are from Dun Laoghaire. We may just be neighbours! We live in Monkstown 🙂

    Take care and I hope to be back here soon!




  5. Thank you so much Conor! I appreciate you taking the time to send me the recipe. It sounds fantastic! Your description of the state of your book is similar to some of my cookbooks! Well-worn and splashed on lol! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season with your family!



  6. Hi Conor, Just a quickie to say how much I’ve enjoyed your blog – REALLY fun browsing, and some great pics….and also to thank you for the loveliest and most encouraging comment on my blog as of yet – really buoyed my up (and even prompted my Mum to send a text message about the ‘lovely man’ who had left a nice comment!) – will be visiting regularly now I know the existence of Once Man’s Meat!! xx


  7. Conor,

    Thanks for stopping by throughthenet.wordpress.com. It’s great to find a blog that deals so honestly about meat and food. I read through some of the entries, and got some ideas for myself, so thanks. Have you ever tried grilled pot roast? I do it here in the States with barbecue sauce and over real coals, not gas. Same with turkey.

    I was once married to an Irish girl, her family hailed from County Kerry, and I understand that is a beautiful part of the isle. Have a great weekend.



    • Grilling pot roast is a new one on me. There are different names here for the various cuts of beef. I think we call Pot Roast ‘Housekeeper’s Cut’. Doing it on the BBQ would be different. When the weather improves, it should be worth a try.


  8. Hi Connor 🙂 I’m so glad you stopped by my blog otherwise I may not have discovered yours! I love reading your posts – they are interesting and infused with humor. I’ll look forward to reading more!


  9. Hi Conor, you commented on my pictures of Ireland and told me about your bike ride in the mountains. I love to bike, but prefer flatter territory…even “gently rolling hills” would work!
    I like your blog and your sense of humor…..looking forward to reading!

    Thanks again for visiting my blog!


  10. Another blogger from Dun Laoghaire! My dad frequently complains that I steal his recipes for my blog, but has yet to make one himself, intergenerational culinary rivalry must be a local sport!


  11. Pingback: How I became an honourary Italian (Guest Post) « The Blissful Adventurer

  12. Great to read your posts. Empty nesters, they called us a few years back. But it seemed more like restarting life again after it had been temporarily sidetracked. Family are great, but time to do your own things is precious. Although have been to Ireland a couple of times, only visited Dublin once many years ago. Cheap flights were on offer from Edinburgh. Scotland and Ireland were playing rugby. Understand your fascination of blogging and using your photos. I do this as well. Seems such a shame not to share them along with a story. Love the duck breasts.


    • Thanks for that. The youngest left today for a few months studying in Canada. The nest is almost empty bar wife, eldest and dog. Come over and see us any time. Since the collapse of the economy, we have become far more welcoming. And that’s a good thing for us.


  13. At last recipes that are straight forward, simple to execute and are what they say. Also love your sense of humour – advertising is fun – I know – but seriously there is so much more to life!!!!! your recipes will be traveling around the world giving us sustenance as we sail the oceans and I HIGHLY recommend you drop the day job and carry on cooking :). Thanks for your gorgeous recipes.


  14. Conor, congratulations!!! I’ve nominated you for the Reality Blog and Sensual Blogging Awards. I look forward to reading your postings and seeing your wonderful photos — you bring such a great perspective to the blogging world!


    • Thanks Danny, I have been having a bit of fun with it. It has strengthened my interest in photography, writing and technology. That has to be a good thing.
      Wishing you and yours a Happy Christmas and Peaceful 2013.


  15. Mr Bofin. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to pick up the Kreativ Bloggers award. The link is as follows: http://laurasmess.me/2013/05/01/awards-and-acknowledgements-ii/
    Be wary; there may be many perils along the way, like the poor spelling of ‘kreativ’ and a lasting association with what some may view as ‘pointless blogging rituals’. However, the choice is indeed yours, and yours alone. Do what you will; the meat legend – the man – will prevail.


    • Hi Laura, Very kind of you to nominate me for this bizarre award. Of course, I will accept it for what it is. there is one condition attached. You must call me Conor in future.


  16. My brother married a gal from Ballygawley. She is the 15th child of 15 children! A few years back I took a trip with her to visit her enormous family. Ireland is beautiful! You are so fortunate to live there. I’m happy to have found your wonderful blog. 🙂


    • Hi Karen,
      Thanks for following. I just went over to your blog and you have brought me back to my childhood. My parents used to make éclairs for special occasions. Perhaps I need to regress myself and give them a go.


  17. Pingback: Shine On Award | fotog foodie

  18. Hi Conor. Thanks for the follow. I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog and your photos are beautiful. I want to take up a knife and fork and eat right now, you’ve put a hunger on me! I was reading your post on copyright theft which is such a pain. I had a similar issue a couple of years ago with work where my designs were lifted. A nasty business but luckily I was able to get that sorted. Looking forward to many years reading your blog. Warmest regards, Paula


  19. Hi there! Love the blog and think it’s funny and delicious looking, I will definitely be dreaming about food tonight. I got your name of the list of winners for the blog awards. I wasn’t able to make it on the night but am still trying to build up a network of like minded bloggers. Just to know we’re not blogging into some sort of great void. Anyway if you’re interested I was a winner in the humour section and you can find my blog at http://alvycarragher.blogspot.ie/ I’ll be following along from now on. Best of luck with it 🙂


  20. Hi Conor,

    Lovely chatting to you the other day.
    Congratulations on your award, your blog is really inspiring, with the most interesting recipies, your pictures are beautiful.
    Will be regular visitor now!


  21. I have nominated you to the Versatile Blogger Award.
    The rules as per my understanding are;
    • Give thanks to the person providing your nomination.
    • Include a link to their blog
    • Nominate 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
    • Finally, the hardest, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
    All the best, Cheers


  22. HI Conor, I often read and very much enjoy your blog, your inspiring recipies and your wit..I just recently moved back to Dublin from the UK and cannot for the life of me find a really good butchers in and around Dublin city centre (Im in D12 myself)…that stocks marrow bones, veal bones, wild game, rabbit & that sort of thing, not the regular family butchers that are everywhere and sell the same fare…. even Lamb shanks are a trial to find locally!
    In the past I used to travel to Cork often and bought my meat in O`Flynns on Marlboro St….an amazing family of butchers, so without going down the vac-pac mail order route could you or your readers reccomend some good ones in Dublin?
    Many thanks & Cheers !


    • Thanks for visiting and for the kind words. I have to admit that I don’t have much butcher experience in that part of the city. I am well served by John’s Meat Co in Monkstown Farm. Pat Whelan runs a fantastic shop out in the Avoca on the Naas Road. There is a shop in Glasthule that sells lots of game in season at reasonable prices. The name escapes me. Until recently, my friend the Wicklow Hunter used to leave in venison to my office (usually in a bin bag and in need of further butchering).

      Your question raises a much broader issue of the demise of so many independent butchers. It is a sad state of affairs brought about by a combination of supermarket supremacy and general inability to actually cook anything on the part of much of the population.

      I’ll stick the question up on Facebook and see if anybody makes any suggestions. If I get anything to help, I’ll add another comment.


      • Many thanks Conor…I`ll have a look at Johns Meat Co. and hopefully some others will turn up.
        You`ve articulated exactly what I`d been feeling in relation to the demise of good local butchers that offer more than just the regular cuts of beef, Pork and Lamb etc..without wanting to sound snobby or foodie like, the variety of cuts on offer are limited and uninspiring in most family butchers.I have to stop myself from asking “where exactly is the rest of the animal ? ”
        I can begrudgingly accept supermarkets and retail mass/volume…but local/craft butchers are disappointingly thin on the ground.As you point out, very little actual cooking is the order of the day so the butcher will reply hes just supplying what his customers want !?…..my nan would be spinning in her grave !
        Again, many thanks for your help and reply.


        • The Facebook gang have come good:
          Nicol suggests: If you want a whole rabbit, Ox tail, cow tongue, pigs head……. here is the place. … Bigger, well stocked and thriving, FX Buckley’s, Moore St.

          Wendy says: You could try Lawlors in Rathmines. They might have what u are looking for!

          Malcolm tells me that: Rob Cullen is your only man, he is Wicklow town but we’ll worth the journey, and he is tech savy too ! Send him a message on FB, he’s on my friends list – and he’s a cyclist!!!

          And Denis asks: Have you tried the two organic butchers in Terenure? Can’t say I’ve seen those items specifically but I know they source stuff.

          Hope this helps,


  23. Pingback: Celebrating Irish Blogs and Bloggers on Saint Patrick’s Day — Blog — WordPress.com

  24. Pingback: Celebrating Irish Blogs and Bloggers on Saint Patrick’s Day | Electrician Richardson

  25. Hi! I love your blog. We are currently setting up a new segment on our illustration/design blog called Monday Munchies where we showcase a recipe each week. We are looking for foodies/bloggers and chefs to submit recipes to us to illustrate & share on Mondays. Would this be something you might be interested in?

    if so – email me (Gillian) at doodlemoosedesigns@gmail.com
    Below is a link to this weeks illustrated recipe!



  26. Hi Conor, I’m a bit sad only to have discovered your blog now, but as it’s never too late for an Irish person to regret something, I’m also somehow fulfilled. Anyway, I can see myself becoming an avid fan, so let’s just get the awkwardness out of the way now by me telling you how much I like this blog and complimenting you on your writing and photography, before I slink back into the shadows from whence I came.

    Delighted to make your acquaintance by the way. Write that book.


    • I refer to our conversation last night Tara, I do suffer from the national self effacement that holds us back. I need to get over myself and get that extra 1/3 content together.
      Thanks for the kind words. I look forward to seeing you on the stage in October.


  27. Pingback: Recipe Steamed Prawn with Spicy XO Sauce (Chili, Garlic, Ginger and Chives) | DENTIST CHEF

  28. Hi!

    Hope you’re keeping well!

    I’m Crisrtiana, am an avid reader and blogger, a passion which I think we share.

    Your blog “www.conorbofin.com” is by far the most interesting I have come across in the recent past, hands down!

    The writer in me is yearning to write a piece for your blog, may be around 400-500 words, or whatever you are okay with.

    Awaiting your reply.



  29. Hi Conor!

    Hope you’re well! First off, hearty congratulations on all the rewards and recognition that has come your way! I’ve been keenly following everything that’s been going on here :))

    I’m reaching out to you about some changes I’ve made to my own blog – a couple of months ago, I moved to a self hosted site. While the link remains the same and I could move all my subscribers over without a hitch, I just found out that my WordPress followers like yourself would have to visit my new site and resubscribe to it if you wanted to keep receiving email notifications every time I posted (which I’m hoping you do!).

    I’m reaching to all my lovely fellow WordPress followers because I’ve loved the interaction I’ve had with all of them even if it was just a plain old ‘like’!

    Have a great day and happy holidays!




  30. This is a wonderful blog. Congrats on your Freshly Pressed appearance. I wanted to comment on the lush pie, but didn’t scroll down far enough to find the comment bar and began being a grump – that’s my patience level right there. Thankfully, the picture of the pie calmed me.
    Kindest regards and anticipating that pie and glass of something(I do actually make the recipes I find on good blogs. As a result, my fridge and freezer are full and my skinny jeans are getting tight!)
    Skinny Jeans Mum


    • Hi Kamille,
      Thanks for the kind words. The pie is wonderful when cold. That should suit the weather down there right now. I have some friends who emigrated to WA quite recently. They give me a good picture of what life is like there. If the jeans are getting tight, eat the pie and exercise a bit more. It’s worth it.

      Liked by 1 person

  31. I love your blog, I’m making the Osso Bucco this weekend for Valentine’s Day. Yummy!!!! I have just one suggestion, is there a way to get a printer friendly recipe from your blog? I click the print icon, but it was 20 pages and that is a lot for 1 recipe. I ended up screenshooting the recipe with my phone. But I found so many recipes that I want to try. But I cant print out so many pages. Please help this penny pinching save some trees. Thank you and you are awesome!


  32. Your blog is incredible. My fiance and I will be honeymooning in Ireland next year and I am so interested in trying out the food there.

    Your photography is beautiful, your food looks amazing, and I’m looking forward to making some of your recipes myself. Great job!


  33. So I’ve tried a few things with mostly success but I was wondering if you could recommend something that would easily scale to 12 people. 6 or 7 has been the most to date.

    Scary prospects ahead.




  34. Hi.

    Tried some of the recipes with mostly success. Bar the disaster that was the pork chilli (my fault not yours!).

    Signed up to cook for 11 (adults) on sunday. Looking for recommendations of something to scale that wontvmske mg hair greyer than it already is.

    Thanks in advance.



  35. Just discovered your blog – what a great source of entertainment and now I can laugh my way through each newly discovered recipe, learn how to keep a dogs coat shiny and God knows what else. Looking forward to reading more! 🙂


    • Hi Kate,
      No, sadly. Sadly for two reasons. Firstly, she used to focus on desserts and I have a very sweet tooth. Secondly, she is just too busy to devote any time to it. I used to really enjoy the competitive blogging that went on with both of us trying to get camera and kitchen space at the same time. Such is life.


  36. Hi Conor, I thought you might like to take a look at a sous vide cooking time calculator and recipe generator we’ve created – http://calculator.sousvidetools.com/

    If you’re interested in sharing the calculator on your blog, we’d be happy to offer your readers an exclusive discount code to use on products from Sous Vide Tools.

    Let me know your thoughts,

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Pingback: History of Wine Pairing Dinners | Stefan's Gourmet Blog

  38. Pingback: Organizing a Wine Pairing Dinner | Stefan's Gourmet Blog

  39. Hi Conor,
    I am delighted to invite you to the official launch of Oliver McCabe’s Fuel Food at Residence Members Club on Tuesday 26th January at 6pm. As this launch is private and numbers are limited I would be very grateful if you could RSVP by emailing deirdre.roberts@mercierpress.ie

    Hope you will be able to attend.

    Nicola Flynn
    Marketing Assistant at Mercier Press


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