Gravadlax with Beetroot and Ginger – Truly a Christmas Miracle.

Gravadlax with Beetroot and Ginger (4 of 6)A Christmas Miracle, I hear you say. To answer your unasked, and possibly even unthought, question. No, I haven’t found religion. Though, there seems to be more of it about at this time of year. I will enter into the festive spirit and avoid going off on a rant about the damage organised religion seems to do to our world. Instead, I will get back in the kitchen and prepare a true miracle of flavour, texture and colour. That miracle is Gravadlax with Beetroot and Ginger.

A big part of the miracle is in how easy this is to prepare. The ingredients list is shorter than midnight mass on Christmas Eve.

Gravadlax with Beetroot and Ginger (1 of 6)-2

It’s hard to believe that so little could go such a way down the flavour road.


  • 1 piece of organic (or wild if you can get it) salmon about 600 grams weight (20 ozs)
  • 120 grams (5 oz) sea salt
  • 120 grams (5 oz) granulated sugar
  • 2 beetroot (or is that beetroots or beetsroot?)
  • 5cm (2 inches) of ginger

You will also need some cling film, two shallow dishes of slightly differing size and some weights.

The process takes four days and is worth the wait. First, if needed, pin-bone the salmon. You do this by running your hand from the tail end towards the thick end. You will feel any bones. Remove these with a tweezers.

Mix together the salt and sugar. Then grate in the ginger, using a fine grater. Peel and grate the beetroot.

Gravadlax with Beetroot and Ginger (3 of 6)-2

This has to be the ‘Greatest Story Ever Told’ about food preparation.

Mix the lot together.

Gravadlax with Beetroot and Ginger (4 of 6)-2

How could such a mess of stuff produce such a fine end result? It’s a miracle I tell you!

Place a layer or two of cling film in the bottom of the larger of the dishes. Place the salmon in, skin side down. Pack the salmon with the mixture.

Gravadlax with Beetroot and Ginger (5 of 6)-2

Lay it in like Moses was placed in the basket (not that Moses got covered in beetroot).

Wrap it tightly in cling film. Place the smaller dish on top of the salmon and place the weights on top.

Gravadlax with Beetroot and Ginger (6 of 6)-2

4 tins of tomatoes helped convert this salmon to gravadlax.

Put this in the refrigerator and leave there for three days and nights (the “and nights” is a vaguely biblical reference to add weight to my claim for miracle status). Turn the salmon nightly. 

On the fourth day (see, vaguely biblical again), un-swaddle (biblical reference number three) the salmon. Rinse off the mixture.

Gravadlax with Beetroot and Ginger (1 of 6)

The salmon takes on an angelic beetroot hue.

Pat dry with paper towels and carve some very thin slices.

Gravadlax with Beetroot and Ginger (3 of 6)

It’s a miracle I didn’t eat it all there and then!

Next comes the truly miraculous bit. The colour, texture and taste of this is otherworldly. The flavour is a heavenly chorus (another pro-miracle reference) of salmon and beetroot followed up by a cherubic ginger glow. Serve this whatever way you want. We had it with some nice brown bread.

Gravadlax with Beetroot and Ginger (1 of 1)

If you are looking for a festive food idea. Take this as your divine inspiration.

You will be elevated to status akin to saintly by those around you. Who knows, they may all get religion and begin the process of beatification on your behalf. Now that would be a miracle.

Happy Christmas.

64 thoughts on “Gravadlax with Beetroot and Ginger – Truly a Christmas Miracle.

  1. Hi Connor, if it only tastes half as good as it looks? But do you really have to sacrifice an awesome wild salmon for this. With this recipe you can even make a miserable farm-bred salmon nice?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I regularly make gravadlax the usual way (salt, sugar, pepper, dill) so will give this variation a try. Doesn’t the lack of dill make it something other than gravadlax? Cured salmon with beetroot and ginger, perhaps? A. Pedant

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pip,
      You have been a pedant for as long as I know you, which is a very long time now. It may be that my gravad lax dill. But, it is still tasty, give it a go.
      Best wishes to you for the season,


  3. I recently found out that Boyfriend doesn’t like salmon. I have, however, been feeding it to him regularly for over three years without complaint, so perhaps I can foist this loveliness upon him as well…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Greetings from Spain.
    Your gravad lax naught and looks spectacular! Thank you for sharing.
    I prepare it regularly with the standard sugar, salt, dill mixture.
    Would you mind terribly if I told you that I shuddered when I saw your beautiful salmon going under the tap? I like to clean it gently with kitchen paper and finish off with a little olive oil which I rub on it with paper and which removes any of the remaining salt+sugar+dill mixture and also leaves a nice sheen. I then sprinkle lightly with dill and slice thinly.
    Happy Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Brenda,
      I hope Spain is warmer than here right now. Thanks for the kind words and the advice. The tap came into play as there was a mountain of beetroot sludge to shift. The colour and flavour are set well into the meat. I really like the idea of finishing with olive oil.
      Happy Christmas to you and yours,


  5. Great post, Conor! Isn’t it interesting that even after three days (and nights!), the beetroot only penetrates the salmon about halfway? I like the combination of beetroot and ginger. This must be delicious. I have a light gewurztraminer from Alsace that would be perfect with this.
    Happy Christmas!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Stefan,
      By pure happenstance, I have a couple of bottles of Hugel gewurztraminer waiting at home too. This will be our starter wine on Christmas day.
      Best to you and Kees. Do talk to him about getting over to Ireland some time soon.
      Happy Christmas,


  6. This looks fantastic Conor! The colors are incredible. I am definitely going to try this one. Love salmon and beets and the addition of ginger should knock it out of the park. You always seem to have great ideas. Happy holidays!


  7. Gorgeous make-over on good, old Salmon! Fabulous flavor waltz in every particle of our good, old Salmon!
    Thanks a billion for the pretty idea (recipe).
    And those color-bursting pictures! Lord bless your camera.
    Happy Holidays.


  8. Pingback: Beetroot and Ginger Cured Gravlax – Tony Meets Meat

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