Sous Vide Pork Chinese Style. (Con)Fusion Cooking.

Sous Vide Pork Chinese Style (17 of 19)I’m managing to totally befuddle myself. Up to a few weeks ago, I was pretty clear on the principles of Fusion Cooking. As I understood it, all one had to do was add some chilli, garlic, coriander leaf and a slice of lime to any tried and trusted European dish. Hey Presto! – Fusion Cooking. A regular beef stew could be transformed by the adding of a couple of bashed lemongrass stalks and a ghost chilli. Fusion was easy to understand, if less easy to comprehend. So, when I decided to cook some Sous Vide Pork Tenderloin Chinese Style, it was more confusion than fusion.

  • My ingredients list was pretty ‘Oriental’ in it’s origin. Sous Vide Pork Chinese Style (1 of 19)Ingredients
  • 2 pork tenderloins
  • 1 tablespoon of 5 spice powder
  • 1 tablespoon of Szechuan peppercorns

The rest of the ingredients are used to make up the noodles. I served five of us with this lot.

  • 6 portions of noodles
  • 10 dried Chinese mushrooms
  • 2 bell peppers
  • 6 to 8 spring onions
  • A big handful of green beans
  • A big knob of ginger
  • 2 tablespoons of rice wine
  • 2 tablespoons of soy sauce

First trim and prepare the tenderloins.

Totally gratuitous meat trimming shot.  Nothing too confusing about that.

Totally gratuitous meat trimming shot. Nothing too confusing about that.

Crush the peppercorns and mix with the 5 spice powder. Cut the tenderloins in half and roll in the spice mixture.

A completely extraneous meat rolling in spice photo.

A completely extraneous meat rolling in spice photo.

Vacuum seal the meat.

The spice is pressed into the meat when vacuum sealed.

The spice is pressed into the meat when vacuum sealed.

Side note on confusion: I have never come across any Oriental dishes cooked sous vide. Why is that? The sous vide method was originally tried out by a Brit, abandoned and rediscovered by some French and Americans and, as far as I can see, never used by the Orientals. Yet, it seems to be so appropriate to this type of dish. I’m discombobulated! 

Set the sous vide machine to 53ºC for an hour and pop the bags of meat into the water.

This blog is beginning to look like an advertisement for sous viding.

This blog is beginning to look like an advertisement for sous viding.

Then get on with chopping the ginger, mushrooms and the vegetables. Get the ginger into shreds, the mushrooms and vegetables into small bite size pieces.

About this size will do. The beans go very well with noodles.

About this size will do. The beans go very well with noodles.

Cook the noodles and reserve. Heat some oil in a wok and add the ginger. When this releases some aromas, add the rest of the vegetables.

Lots of colour makes this a pleasure to cook.

Lots of colour makes this a pleasure to cook.

Add the rice wine and stir fry until the colours get high and the veg is ‘al denté’ (strange  to use an Italian term.  for Oriental cooking). Add the soy sauce and stir it a bit.

Look at those wonderful vegetable colours.

Look at those wonderful vegetable colours.

Add the noodles and get ready to do a lot of heavy lifting. There is a lot to be stirred in the wok.

That will make a man of you. Stir those noodles until everything is combined.

That will make a man of you. Stir those noodles until everything is combined.

Turn the heat off. Take the pork out of its plastic wrapper. It looks and feels pretty strange at this stage.

Very odd looking pork. Note  the seams that have formed around the middle. Confusing or what?

Very odd-looking pork. Note the seams that have formed around the middle. Confusing or what?

Heat a little oil in a frying pan and quickly (It happens very quickly) brown the pork. Slice it and serve it on a bed of the noodles.

Perfectly cooked pork with a spicy, crispy crust.

Perfectly cooked pork with a spicy, crispy crust.

My state of bewilderment was complete at this stage. This was the most delicious piece of Oriental anything I have ever tasted. I can’t understand why nobody (or so it seems to me) has not confused fusion cooking by adding in sous vide. I’ll be doing a lot more of this.

This didn't last long. We loved it.

This didn’t last long. We loved it.

Wine paring: My wine choice for this was not wine at all. Very confusing, I know. I served it with a glass of Rosé Lillet. It stood up well to the spice and salty soy.

If you get a chance to cook sous vide, try this. You will be left as befuddled and perplexed as me. Why has it not been done before? It’s a form of fusion confusion.

50 thoughts on “Sous Vide Pork Chinese Style. (Con)Fusion Cooking.

  1. Um… sorry to be a smartypants, but al dente is Italian and doesn’t need an accent on the final e. But you’re right, it’s still a weird usage in conjunction with Oriental cooking and ingredients. That pork looks absolutely sensational, and if I had a sous vide machine, I’d be cranking it up right about now…


  2. thank you! I learn a new cooking method today. but do you need a sous vide machine to do it?

    Can it be cooked over a pot of hot water with proper gas control? And by cooking it using plastic bag would it have any side effect, I mean chemistry speaking.

    Anyway, nice tender looking pork! It looks juicy!


    • Hi Brian,
      The exact temperature is very important to the process. I would not want to try it without the device. On the plastic end of things, again, I would not like to commit myself to anything other than food grade bags. Thanks for the kind words.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for the reply Conor! btw, I saw you have a well seasoned wok. sorry for such trivial comment it is only because most western chef prefers pan so I am quite taken when i notice how well used your wok is!


        • Ha! Yes, That wok has been my trusted friend in the kitchen for over 20 years. It is very well seasoned and completely non stick as a result. Soap is never used in cleaning it. One of my best culinary investments ever.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re obviously having fun with your sous vide! The pork looks exquisite. Well, it all does. I did sous vide pork tendeloin once, but haven’t bothered. Just like I did beef tenderloin once with the sous vide. It’s just so easy the traditional way, to me, and with great results, if the meat is cooked properly, off course. But have you tried pork loin sous vide yet? Now that has amazing results. Oh, and chicken breasts. And, in an case, it’s just fun, isn’t it?!!!


    • Thanks Mimi,
      Lots for me to try yet. What appealed to me about this one was the addition of the spices. I think I can have a lot of fun preparing some (con)fusion dishes. One that springs to mind is beef and black bean. All good fun.


  4. I often make pork tenderloin sous-vide, usually I cook at a slightly higher temp and for slightly longer – hubby has a huge problem with pink centers in tenderloin. I know, I know, but he is a great guy and I’m keeping him

    last week I made a bison rib-eye steak sous vide and it turned out awesome! That is a tricky piece of meat to cook, and sous-vide took great care of it 😉
    should be on the blog in the next couple of months, I hope


  5. Conor, I don’t think there’s any problem with your blog becoming an ad for sous viding (sounds like something you’d do in a ski resort), seeing your obvious delight in cooking by new methods.

    With this in mind, I suggest your family build you a Fulacht Fiadh in your back garden next year, whereupon you take to burying all your meat in a pit with water and hot stones, whilst wearing leather and settling compensation cases with cattle. Hey Presto! One Chieftan’s Meat, and a nation wipes its eyes with gratitude.


  6. Delicious, Conor, and such great looking pork. Pink and juicy, just the way I like it. I think Confucius would approve as well. Glad you are working your way towards lower temps. This is actually even lower than the 55 degrees I’d use for pork tenderloin, although it is actually a good idea to do it this way if you brown the tenderloin straight from the sous-vide (as browning will increase the core temperature as well).
    I’ve done quite a bit of oriental sous-vide and my favorite is teriyaki, although ‘thai’ turbot sous-vide is also great.


  7. Totally disagree with your definition of ‘fusion cooking’ I am afraid!! It has nought to do with possible Asian ingredients: just delightful melding of ingredients from differing recipes from various parts of the world – for instance it may not be usual to serve an Asian stirfry with a North African couscous: yet it does work brilliantly! Now, chilli, garlic and coriander are used in most parts of the world: are they not ? 😀 !! So why denote them as ‘Asian’? [huge smile!!] Why would your culinary success in any way befuddle you ????


  8. I think I enjoy your blog more for the photo captions than the blog itself, lol! Good work Conor. My husband has decided he’ll never eat another pork tenderloin again because they come out so dry, even with my bestest preparation and on-point cooking temp. He’s a curmudgeon for sure when it comes to pork. Maybe one day I can figure out how to cook sous-vide without a fancy contraption, as he’s so old school when it comes to technology and such, I don’t think I could ever convince him it would be worth the investment. Nonetheless, I am ALWAYS delighted to read a new post of yours! Hugs!


  9. yep, lovely! love your writing and your photos. That pork looks outstanding. I once tried this very same seasoning on a thanksgiving turkey… you can unfollow me now hahahah. It was great. Five spice powder tastes of somewhat like holidays hahaha, at least in my crazy head 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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