The Dreaded Sausage Roll – Another reason to hate Christmas.

Sausage rolls (13 of 14)Any of you of ‘a certain age’ who have a navy blazer and a pair of sensible grey slacks hanging in the wardrobe, look away now. You are not going to like this one. I will admit that there are many things to like about Christmas. I suggest that you make a ‘nice’ list for yourself and refer to it on those occasions when you lose your temper queueing for the turkey and ham, or when the family presents don’t arrive from the magical Internet.

There are also a few pretty strident arguments as to why Christmas is a hateful time of the year. There is the guilt salving commercials on TV pleading for just €10 a month to fund the administration of some burgeoning charity. There is that feeling of self-loathing we get as we deftly ignore the carol singers’ outstretched bucket on our way to yet another Christmas boozing session. And there is the Dreaded Sausage Roll.

The only time of the year we are exposed to the DSR is when we middle-aged males are wearing that slacks and blazer combo, holding a glass of ‘interesting’ Merlot and talking house prices with our neighbours. The female of the species tend to congregate at these functions (always held in the over-warm sitting room of somebody in the locality) dressed in “this old thing” that cost a month’s wages and will only ever be worn once. While the wine can be described as ‘interesting’, the finger food (what a stupid descriptor) is usually pretty awful. Particularly so the sausage rolls. Greasy, salty and otherwise flavorless, they are repeatedly inflicted on guests by the truculent children of the host.

The men stand around in groups of three, trying to be interesting and a little edgy while discussing actuarial predictions for looming pensions. The women sit on every available chair and couch and get stuck into art of talking over, while listening to, each other.

If I have to suffer another of these occasions, hopefully the host will have read this and will cook my Fennel and Apricot Sausage Rolls recipe. That assumes they aren’t offended by the reality of my comments, and they invite me to join in the festive fun.

I thought I might as well get all festive with the preparation.

I thought I might as well get all festive with the preparation.


  • 700 grammes lean pork meat
  • 400 grammes pork fat
  • 1 handful of fennel seeds
  • 10 or so dried apricots
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 2 teaspoons of white pepper
  • 4 sheets of puff pastry
  • A beaten egg and a little water for egg wash

Chop the onions up nice and small.

Festive onion slicing. Working hard to get me in form for a drinks party.

Festive onion slicing. Working hard to get me in good form for a drinks party.

Sweat the onions over a low flame until they are translucent. Dry-fry the fennel seeds until the house is full of the lovely aroma.

Fennel works really well with pork and really lifts the apricot flavour too.

Fennel works really well with pork and really lifts the apricot flavour too.

Then grind the fennel seeds into a powder in a pestle and mortar. Mince the pork and the fat in as festive a way as possible.

Ho, ho, ho. I got the recipe from Santa. That explains the lights.

Ho, ho, ho. I got the recipe from Santa. That explains the lights.

Chop the apricots nice and small.

Note my festive colour co-ordination with the tinsel.  Hard to believe I am a Christmas grinch.

Note my festive colour co-ordination with the tinsel. Hard to believe I am a Christmas Grinch.

Put all the ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix until combined.

A pretty festive looking mixture. Enough fat for flavour. Not too much.

A pretty seasonal looking mixture. Enough fat for flavour. Not too much to expand the waistline.

Roll out the pastry sheets and cut in half. make a sausage shape out of the meat and lay it on the pastry as shown below.

I'm getting value out of those christmas lights.

I’m getting value out of those christmas lights.

Roll the pastry up until there is a seam left as in the picture.

Paint on the egg wash. It seals the rolls nicely.

Paint on the egg wash. It seals the rolls nicely.

Slice the rolls into sausage roll size pieces. Here you will have a quandary. If you have a bunch of neighbours arriving, cut them slim so they will go further. If, like me, you are hiding from the world over the Christmas onslaught, cut them nice and large (like in the photo). Arrange them on greaseproof parchment on a baking tray.

Paint them with the egg wash for a nice golden outcome.

Paint them with the egg wash for a nice golden outcome.

Place them in a 200ºC oven for 25 minutes. Less if you are having the neighbours over and are serving very slim rolls.

They look far too tasty to waste on the neighbours.

They look far too tasty to waste on the neighbours.

Let these cool enough to serve in as festive a fashion as you care. These are as far from the DSR as you can get. Though, I did go for an ‘interesting’ Merlot. All I have to do now is get my grey slacks and blazer out of the dry cleaners and I will be ready for the seasonal invitations.

Of course we dress our table like this for every meal in December. Don't you?

Of course we dress our table like this for every meal in December. Don’t you?

Happy Christmas to one and all.

87 thoughts on “The Dreaded Sausage Roll – Another reason to hate Christmas.

  1. You are absolutely right – how did those dreadful shop bought things ever take off? I do the same as you – make my own and try to encourage others to do the same. I’ve even been known to make the sausage rolls for other people’s parties! Rudolph venison is very seasonal 😉


  2. Growing up in England, I never attended ANY sort of gathering, be it a Christmas party, kid’s birthday party, school function or what have you, where sausage rolls were not served… In Canada they are not especially well known. I think that’s why my parents emigrated.


  3. If I were to eat sausage rolls, yours are the ones I’d eat. But I won’t. Bah. Humbug. And in any case, Christmas here is too hot for pastry products, despite what every single male member of the Australian population would tell you. So I’m hiding this from my husband, in case he gets Ideas.


  4. I know I’m in the minority, but I like sausage rolls, along with the version we have stateside: pigs in blankets. I used to get sausage rolls at a tea shop downtown but they closed, and I’ve been meaning to make my own for a while now!


  5. I love meat wrapped in things! See: weenie wreath. I love sausage rolls. And yours are the real deal.

    I’ve made my brother’s version which is just Bob Evans sage bulk sausage wrapped in frozen puff pastry. I love it when things are THAT easy and people think it’s fancy.

    Fingers crossed that Santa brings me the meat grinding attachment to my KitchenAid!


  6. Such a festive looking post. I’m sure you will be very handsome in your navy blazer and grey slacks while holding a sausage roll in one hand and an interesting merlot in the other. If you take a plate of your rolls along with you when you accept the invitations, you will be very welcomed…I’m sure. I hope you and your family have a very Happy Christmas Conor.


  7. We do not serve DSR’s here. Maybe a tradition I should start for a cocktail Thursday! Homemade certainly has to be better than anything store bought and these look good to me! My stomach now growls…


  8. I’ve been flummoxed by the fascination that the Irish have with their sausage (fatty, greasy, and low percentage of actual meat) and find the sausage rolls particularly hideous. I have never breathed those words before out of consideration for what seems tradition. But since you are Irish and you brought the subject up…


  9. I have to admit to having a penchant for single malt whisky,the Scotch variety,with savoury pastry parcels such as your sausage rolls.
    It would,however,be remiss of me to consume these without the Irish variety,so a pointer in the right direction would be much appreciated.


  10. Thankfully due to a large number of vegetarians and people with severe dairy allergies our family gatherings are sausage roll free, so I tend to associate them with two things: funerals and house parties here you get so drunk they actually start to taste good.


  11. Have tears in my eyes from laughing! Remember the grey slacks/blue blazer era well [you mean it has passed 🙂 ?] Also those ‘sausage rolls’ which in summer friendly Australia present even less well!!! [OK: must try yours . . . 😉 !] One matter meant more: the separation of the sexes!!!! That is NOT any kind of party!! Remember being in Med School with a number of NE European gals who would naturally get up from those sideline seats and promptly go argue real estate or economics or politics or whatever with the guys. Oh they loved it but we promptly got termed as ‘fast’ – huh????? Thank the blessed Lord that is over!!!!!!


  12. Good morning, Conor, your post really did cheer me up so early in the morning. I was in a pretty foul mood (unusual for me) but almost laughed out loud on the train 😉 The christmas decorations in your preparation shots are hilarious! And so tastefully done as well. Not to mention the witty description of a typical christmas party and the lovely ASR (Anticipated Sausage Roll) recipe. The fennel and apricots must make these very tasty indeed. Might I suggest a buttery oaked chardonnay-viognier as an alternative for the merlot? You have outdone yourself again, well done.


    • The Chardonnay would be perfect. However, given it has fallen out of fashion, most will not dare serve an oaked Chardonnay at such a soirée. Sadly, if one were going white, it would be a Pinot Grigio, no matter how inappropriate.


  13. PS sausage rolls are quite popular here, and not just around christmas. I don’t care for the spices used (not possible to taste the meat). They are not slices but individual ‘envelopes’ with much more pastry.


  14. I walked into our local shopping centre the other day to purchase some sellotape. But between me and the sellotape shop was a swarm of carol singers and a woman waggling a bucket. As I began to move towards them, hoping to slide past without being noticed, she caught my eye and her waggling became more ferocious. I diverted into Morrisons and purchased a load of crap I didn’t want. And went home, sellotapeless. I love Christmas.


  15. I have a long length of rope, some Leonard Cohen and a pint of gin for when that Grey slacks, blazer wearing, mortgage chatting, middle-clssing, Volvo-appreciating, wife ignoring dynamic threatens to strangle my current splatter gun approache to life Conor……and I love your Sausage rolls…I knew your were the man to produce the goods!


  16. Most festive. I’ve done something very similar with Argentine blood sausage and pears, much to the delight of the (Argentine) relatives and horror to (Non-Argentine) others. But do try and enjoy the Holidays (a fabulous excuse for bad behavior). All the best to you and your crew.


  17. OK Conor….Making my own version tonight! Cheating a bit, and using a pre-made chicken, Gruyere, and garlic sausage. If these are good, will be posting what I have done, even though all I am doing is putting it together, and will re-blog your snausage recipe! 🙂

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  18. Pingback: A Very Busy Weekend Indeed | Tea Leaves and Tweed

  19. I’m Canadian living in Australia and these sausage rolls are literally everywhere. I’ve never really enjoyed them, but yours look so inviting. Thanks for posting your recipes… They look amazing.


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