I’d rather not be so popular. It couldn’t be my chicken and pancetta pie, could it?

Chicken and pancetta pie (16 of 18) My blog has got incredibly popular of late. This is a good thing, right? Sadly, no. Very wrong. It’s not my regular visitors and friends at all points in the free and not so free world that have me exercised. It’s those hard-hearted, vexatious, spotty people who spend their time spamming my virtual home here on WordPress. I checked today and have 475 spam comments in the darned efficient spam catcher used by WP. That means that of the time I spend here on the Internet, more of it is spent clearing out the dross and less is spent on the stuff you are here to see.

Here’s how I see them, the spammers, that is. They spend their time eating junk food in the windowless back room of a grotty internet café in some unloved suburb somewhere. They are pallid, flabby and suffer from nasty skin conditions brought on by their diet, their badness and the complete lack of sunlight in their lives. They will never, ever, taste my Chicken and Pancetta Pie. And, they are the losers, for sure.

The ingredients shot, only missing the onions. Fretting about spammers made me forget.

The ingredients shot, only missing the onions. Fretting about spammers made me forget.

This is a hot water pastry pie. There is no need to live in fear of hot water pastry. A long as you move fast and don’t mind getting your fingers scalded, everything will work out fine. The ingredients are as follows:

For the filling

  • 800 grammes of chicken meat
  • 250 grammes of pancetta
  • 2 onions
  • 100 grammes of butter
  • A bunch of chives
  • A handful of parsley
  • 2 teaspoons of mace
  • Half a teaspoon of nutmeg
  • Salt and pepper to season

For the pastry

  • 110 grammes of lard
  • 230 ml of water
  • 580 grammes of plain flour
  • An egg to paint on the top during cooking
  • You will need to have an 8″ springform baking mould too.

I was feeling bad about the spammers and decided to take my frustration out on the chicken. I decided to save some money and get the best of chicken meat (and a good mix of types) by using a whole chicken and a few legs and thighs.

Take that Spammer! I put the knife into the back of the chicken.

Take that Spammer! I put the knife into the back of the chicken.

After chopping the chicken into smallish pieces, I chopped the pancetta.

Most unSPAM like. The pancetta has a wonderful smokey flavour.

Most unSPAM like. The pancetta has a wonderful smokey flavour.

Next, I chopped, grated and mixed all the ingredients in a big bowl.

Chopping the chives. Therapeutic activity to calm me down.

Chopping the chives. Therapeutic activity to calm me down.

I chopped and fried the onions in the butter. That seems like a lot of butter but, it helps to bind the pie when it cools.

I'd love to pour a pan of hot onions over those spammers.

I’d love to pour a pan of hot onions over those spammers.

I mixed the ingredients by hand. That explains the plastic glove in some of the shots. There is a lot of raw chicken around.

The mace has a nice colour and adds a nice bit of flavour to this pie.

The mace has a nice colour and adds a nice bit of flavour to this pie. Let’s mace the spammers too!

To make the pastry, you need to work fast. Add the lard and water to a saucepan and heat them until just off boiling.

Bring it to just off boiling. You will know when it's there. It will be very hot!

Bring it to just off boiling. You will know when it’s there. It will be very hot!

Sieve the flour and add the hot mixture. Stir with a wooden spoon until the cartilage in your elbow wears down and starts to hurt.

My elbow was hurting like a spammer should hurt for inflicting their bad on us.

My elbow was hurting like a spammer should hurt for inflicting their bad on us.

Cut one quarter of the mixture and reserve it, in cling film, for the pie topping. Put the rest of the mixture into the baking tin and work it to cover the entire base and sides as evenly as possible. Work fast before the pastry cools and starts to crack. This bit hurts the sensitive fingers of the good of heart.

Ouch, ooh, ooh, ouch. Hot pastry hurts!

Ouch, ooh, ooh, ouch. Hot pastry hurts!

I’ll bet those spammers could make this stuff all day, what with all their sending out nonsensical emails. Their fingertips must be like leather.

Before the filling goes in, it looks like it would make a nice hat.

Before the filling goes in, it looks like it would make a nice hat.

Next, I placed the filling in, pressing it down to really fill the pastry.

Starting to look tasty. No, spammer, you will never taste it.

Starting to look tasty. No, spammer, you will never taste it.

I liked this shot, so, for those in the know, here's a totally gratuitous uncooked pie shot.

I liked this shot, so, for those in the know, here’s a totally gratuitous uncooked pie shot.

Roll out the remaining quarter of the pastry and pop the lid on the pie. Make a hole in the pastry, with a wooden spoon handle, to let the steam out. Make a better job of crimping the pie than I did.

Place the pie in a 200° C oven for 20 minutes. Take it out and paint it with an egg wash. Turn the oven down to 180° C and leave the pie in for a further 40 minutes. Take it out and avoid picking at the pastry. Let it cool and store it overnight in the fridge.

The cooked pie. Just before being left overnight to cool.

The cooked pie. Just before being left overnight to cool.

I had some jellied chicken stock on standby to pour into the pie but there was no room. The sign of a good pie!

We ate the pie with a nice big salad and a glass of nice white wine.

We ate the pie with a nice big salad and a glass of nice white wine.

We enjoyed this pie no end. As an aside, while I have been typing, the spam queue went up from 475 to 482. They are trying to get at my pie! The dirty scuts. Go back to your grotty, sweat smelling underworld, spam bots. Leave the nice stuff for us on the outside, in the sunshine, having fun, enjoying life and generally being nice to each other.



271 thoughts on “I’d rather not be so popular. It couldn’t be my chicken and pancetta pie, could it?

  1. It’s the evil in this world that makes us appreciate the food of the gods. I’m envisaging the evil, smelly, ugly spammers writhing in hell (no chance of purgatory there), tormented by the sight of the angels tucking into your pie…

    Liked by 6 people

  2. The only comfort I can give you Connor is that the dastardly spamming seems to come in waves. There was a time there last year when all of a sudden I would have hundreds of spam messages a day. I don’t dare to say it out loud, but It’s like the tap’s been turned off. Now, that scrumptious pie … 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Your commentary had me in stitches; your pie looks so, so tasty and those spammers have been put in their place – genius post! The WP spam filter is great but it also seems to catch the odd legitimate comment so I am forced to trawl through pages and pages of crap for fear of offending my lovely loyal readers by not responding to their comments. What is the point of spam anyway? Surely no-one would actually click on their links…

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Conor, you little Irish sh**.

    I take back that offer of depositing a $100m from my dead grandfathers account in Nigeria to yours. You stuffed up, no pun intended chicken sh**.

    Leave us alone or we’ll spam you a Big Mac in the face and stuff chicken nuggets up your ****.

    Now, do you want any Viagra or what?


    A Spammer in the works

    Liked by 4 people

  5. First – what a lovely looking pie! What is the difference in flavor between a hot crust and a cold crust?

    RE: Those dastardly spammers: Good bit you wrote there Conor! Lovely description of those bast***s. Those spammers remind me of those folks who sign up to follow you and when you go t\o thank them for the follow discover that they are selling how to make millions with a blog! Then there are those cuties who sign up, then un-follow, then sign up again…doing this over and over and over! Clearly these folks have nothing better to do, except maybe pop a zit or two from their bad diets!

    To you and your clan – Be well!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. This has given me the motivation to try this pastry. I’ve wanted to make a traditional pork pie but have held off. It’s moved up the list!

    I don’t get the spammers either. I have three posts that have seemed to attract their attention which is very annoying. Though it has died off a bit now but for a month or so I was inundated. Hopefully it will for you as well.

    And yes, this pie would make you very popular. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  7. Great looking pie and I love it served with the side salad and glass of white wine. Nicely done. Sorry about the spammers (love your description of them) but they’re everywhere. I haven’t posted in 3+ months (I really need to fix that soon) but still average roughly 70 spammers per day. It’s a real pain having to clean them out, especially when you haven’t checked on the blog for several days or so and have hundreds of ridiculous spam nonsense to clean. At least the WP anti-spam software catches the vast majority of it.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Interesting pie recipe, Conor! Way too good for those spammers indeed. The spam is a nuisance, especially since I do find a few genuine messages in the spam filter sometimes. Luckily I usually don’t get as much spam.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Looks completely perfect! Beautiful textures. I want expecting it to torn out pork pie-esque at the start of the recipe!
    I am having the same trouble with spammers lately. Only they only seem to be commenting on random old post and wordpress’ spammers net isn’t catching these. Perhaps a loophole? Damn spammers!

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Good lord that looks heavenly I literally want to lick my phone screen. Shame about the spammers. Unfortunately the world of internet has bred another type of inhumane persona we can all love without. Keep up the good work 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Pingback: Read On | READ ON MY DEAR, READ ON.

  12. What a great post Conor… I know that you’re angry at them but you make smile. They are loser, no doubts. I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one who swear at them! Btw, you cake looks amazing! I’ve never tried to make a meat pie… It’s time to get moving!


  13. Conor that is one amazing looking PIE! Love it! Actually loved so much might have to pin that one…As regards to the spammers. I just hit the control alt and delete button all at once. Every once in a great while one of my favorite little bloggers have ended up there, I don’t know why so I do a quick look first just to make sure.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Hi Conor. I happened to have this exact same problem a few weeks ago & yes, it was a busy couple of days. Thank goodness the good folk at Akismet cleared it up as I was able to chat with them via twitter. As for the amazing looking pie and the hot water pastry, that’s a yes for more pies & less spam!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks Alice. I am encouraged by all the kind comments to do a couple of other pies over the coming months. Well worth the trouble. And, I am 100% with you: Go Akismet, you rock!


  15. Now that looks lush. I’m going to try that with my duck fat hot water crust pastry I think. Pork pies are lovely but they’re very dense and well, porky. I hadn’t thought of using chicken like this…

    Liked by 3 people

  16. Oh my gosh, seriously Conor? That’s horrible. I have no idea why these darn people spend their time spamming everyone… I get a bit in my account also but nothing in the hundreds!!! As for this pie? Glorious perfection. It’s the kind of pie that my father would run miles for… perhaps if I bake it for him, he’ll buy me a pony? Ah, or not. I’m a bit too old for that anyway… 😉

    Liked by 2 people

  17. This sounds like an amazing dish. Sadly I am not great with the old pastry but I want to try again when I am in a proper kitchen.

    I agree with you regarding spammers as they are the worst! I got really excited when I saw I had 300+ messages and then my excitement plummeted to annoyance when I realised 99% were spam!

    Liked by 3 people

  18. Haha, I really enjoyed your description of the spammers as back-of-the-cafe creepy lurkers. 🙂 Too funny! (And, to be honest, way too close to how I picture them in my head, too, so that’s creeptastic, too.) Your chicken and pancetta pie sounds FAB, though. I may have to take a turn at making it. 😀


  19. I don’t have much time to make such elaborate meals but I do appreciate the effort that goes into making them. Looks delicious!

    On a different note, I see this post spinning off into an “Angry Chef” comedy series. Perhaps with a few guest appearances by the infamous Chef Ramsey ^_^


    • Hi,
      On the blogging front, I do what I love and love what I do. If you are doing that, you are succeeding. I get a great buzz out of making people smile a little. That’s what drives me. It also hones three skills, writing, photography and thankfully, cooking.


  20. Pingback: Shared from WordPress | Damilfresh's Blog

  21. OMG I could never ever wait for this kind of pie to be cold overnight XD . I love eating them hot. But again it’s just me. Would definitely try this out when I’m in Germany already.


  22. Absolutely loved how you took your frustration out on the spammers in this post. Clever (and hilarious) way to blow off some steam. If I wasn’t afraid of the scalded fingers I would love to try this pie it looks amazing!


  23. Man! You ARE popular! Took awhile to scroll to the bottom for a comment. Goodness! How do you find the time to respond to them all? Amazing! I liked this post, your colorful pictures, your colorful language “hard-hearted, vexatious, spotty people…”, your humor, “I’ll bet those spammers could make this stuff all day, what with all their sending out nonsensical emails. Their fingertips must be like leather.” And, of course, your recipe. Very entertaining, and, I imagine, tasty. =] Thanks.


    • What a nice comment Gloria. I love to hear when I manage to make people smile. It does likewise for me when I do so, if you know what I mean.
      Thanks for dropping by and thanks for the kind words.


  24. Pingback: Shared from WordPress | Smart Food Solutions

  25. All I know is that I must now try this pie! Google must have a translator for grams to American measurements. (We always have to be so dam difficult!) Looks delicious, and good for you for only getting “stabby” with the chicken.


  26. I wish I could cook. Let me rephrase. I wish I had the desire to put so much effort into a meal.
    I absolutely love your pictures. As I scroll, I lick my lips in anticipation of the next photograph. I will go to a restaurant tonight and think of you!



  27. Get a free pair of nike bro for free! Click here xxx

    Hehe I am kidding!!! I can only imagine your frustration for cleaning up the spam! Loved the article and the witty opening that lead to a recipe. You hooked a new foodie follower!


  28. who took the pics of the whole process of making your chicken pancetta pie? they are very nicely captured and look very appetizing. the only problem is to figure out some time and patience to make one, which is actually my own problem 😉


  29. Pingback: AsealskhakiHow: Blogging For The Likes Of Myself | randommusings

  30. You forgot to put the hot pastry on the spammers head….lmap. I laughed inside of me till my belly hurt, couldnt afford to wake the baby up. I should have stepped out but i was afraid to explode in laughter. You made my day:)


  31. I am feeling an irresistible urge to desperately convince you ‘I am not a spammer! Please let me have some pie’. I confess I am more of a ‘Nigella’s Sluts Spaghetti’ kinda gal, making pasta in the middle of the night in my dressing gown and eating by the light of the open fridge. But I have tactically left your recipe scattered (appearingly carelessly, how little they know) around the apartment in hope that the boyfriend may have a stroke of culinary genius and make it for me. Love your blog, looking forward to the next post!


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