Panna Cotta with Raspberry Coulis (and intolerance)

Panacotta and Rasberry Coulis (10 of 11)

I have my moments. Normally, I am a pretty forgiving kind of guy. But, there are the days when the blood sugars are low and the sleep quota is less than it should be. My normal placid aura becomes a dangerous, seething cauldron of raw intolerance. Old ladies, who on another day might well be helped across the road run the risk of having the walking sticks kicked from their arthritic grasp. That casually dropped cigarette butt gets dropped back in the window of the offenders car. And, God help the errant dog-walker who does not clear up after their pooch. Yes, I have days when I can be totally hard-assed.

But, enough about me. Think of both my darling daughters. They are intolerant EVERY day. Though they tend not to throw stones at cats. Nor do they pick on those less fortunate than themselves, unless they happen to encounter a red-haired “ginge”. But for this tale, that is of no consequence. No, both daughters suffer from a lactose intolerance. This means that they can’t eat or drink anything with a lactose content. So, I attempted to create the Italian classic of Panna Cotta with Raspberry Coulis using lactose free cream and milk, I had some trepidation.

Pana Cotta and Rasberry Coulis

The ingredients. No lactose allowed. We will not tolerate it.

My nervousness was misplaced. For once, every step in the preparation of this lovely desert went perfectly smoothly. My recent Creme Brûlée attempt was pretty good too. Perhaps I have a talent for lactose free desserts? Before I lose the run of myself here’s what you will need (lactose free or not);

  • 750 ml of single cream (Or cream as we used to call it before whipping cream, pre-whipped cream, double cream, low-fat cream, lactose free cream, added calcium cream, Vitamin B cream etc, etc. ad nauseum.)
  • 250 ml of milk
  • 6 sheets of gelatine
  • 140 grammes of caster sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 400 grammes of fresh raspberries
  • seven ramekin dishes, lightly oiled

My instructions are very simple. Add the milk and the cream to a saucepan.

Cream pouring

I could not resist a pouring shot of the cream.

Add the seeds from the vanilla pod.

The big pot of cream and milk.Don't think of your arteries while you are doing this.

The big pot of cream and milk. Don’t think of your arteries while you are doing this.

Soak the gelatine sheets in cold water while the cream mixture comes near to boiling point.

Gelatine sheets

Gelatine sheets feel pretty gruesome and slimy. Strange indeed.

Squeeze the water from the gelatine sheets before stirring them into the cream. Turn the heat off and stir. Place the saucepan into a water bath with ice, stirring until the mixture begins to thicken slightly.

I managed to fill seven ramekins with this amount of mixture.

I managed to fill seven ramekins with this amount of mixture.

Let them cool and then place them in the fridge for a couple of hours. While the panna cotta are setting, add the raspberries and remaining sugar to another saucepan.

My second and final pouring shot of this post.

My second but not the final pouring shot of this post.

Add a little water and bring the mixture to a boil. The raspberries will start to break down.

I like this shot. I hope you do too.

I like this shot. I hope you do too.

When the fruit has broken down, pass the contents of the saucepan through a sieve. This will give you some delicious raspberry coulis. Let this cool down. It benefits from spending some time in the fridge too.

Panacotta and Raspberry Coulis

Putting the knife in. A sign of intolerance, perhaps?

The panna cotta should have a very wobbly consistency. Place it briefly into a bowl of warm water and run a knife around the edge. Add a few strawberries and pour over the  sauce.

Pana cotta and Raspberry Coulis

Third and final pouring shot. You have to love the colours.

One last shot perhaps….

Resistance is futile. This dessert is incredible. No matter how intolerant you are.

Resistance is futile. This dessert is incredible. No matter how intolerant you are.

In summary, the intolerant more than tolerated this delicious Italian classic dessert. Absolutely awesome stuff. Do try it.

51 thoughts on “Panna Cotta with Raspberry Coulis (and intolerance)

  1. Well isn’t this something? I never would have thought lactose-free ingredients would “work” and wonder what other lactose-filled desserts can be given similar treatment and still produce a satisfying treat? Obviously I’ve no experience using lactose-free products. How special that you were able to make this for your daughters.


    • Thanks John, if I don’t include them in my occasional forays into desserts, I do pay a price.
      The lactose free milk and cream worked just fine. I too was impressed.


  2. Love this, Conor! I’ve been cooking Italian food for 15 years, and have never made panna cotta. Perhaps it’s time to change that. Love the ‘inverse’ pouring shot 🙂 PS Amazing how you turn 400 grams of strawberries into raspberries 😉


  3. Let’s see, reading between the lines… you’d steal the cane from the old lady, poke the cigarette tosser in the eye through the crack in the car window, and give the dog walker a thrashing. Sounds about right. The panna cotta looks great–and great photos too. (Nice pour on the milk. :-)) I don’t think I’ve ever seen lactose free milk here, and I shop in the kinds of places where you’d think they’d have it. I wonder if it’s an English/European thing. Ken


    • Thanks. They area perfect match for it. They will be getting another outing when I do Peach Melba. That is a while off judging by the bullet-like peaches in the shops at present.


  4. Thank you for making this beautiful dessert. I am also one of those intolerant one’s and it is nice to have a great recipe that I can try out. Sometimes I feel deprived living here in HK as they do not have all of the items I need. I have not seen lactose free cream anywhere here but will keep my eyes open. Take Care, BAM


  5. I was a bit skeptical about the lactose-free nature of this panna cotta, but I guess that’s also a very intolerant of me. But you’ve swayed me, as always. Looks creamy & delicious.


    • Thanks Tommy, my lactards report that they suspect that it may not be entirely lactose free as they suffered mild headache after. The jury is now out, having been in before.


  6. Looks amazing! One thing I like to do when I make a raspberry sauce like this one is to add some Merlot. Particularly one full of raspberry in the nose and mouth… I will try this one!


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