The Wife and I having fun in Holland on our first International Blog Quest. It would be rude of me to type any more while I should be taking photographs….

Stefan's Gourmet Blog

On the 1st anniversary of I wrote “ I would love for all of my blogging friends to meet and go on a big cooking spree together, but alas that’s not going to happen with the distances involved.” Conor from then responded “Your cook-up idea appeals.” And now, less than three months later, he is here with ‘the wife’ visiting for a weekend of cooking, eating, and a great time. I welcomed them with a dinner that included ravioli with a filling inspired by ChgoJohn’s recipe and PutneyFarm’s brownies for dessert. To include more of our blogging friends in this, we are making Richard McGary’s Butter-Poached Lobster Tails tonight.

I couldn’t have thought of a better topic for my 300th post. Stay tuned for posts on both of our blogs about the stuff we cooked and ate together…

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15 thoughts on “

  1. Am certain you are having a wonderful stay: isn’t it great when such can be organized!! Actually the same has just happened on the ‘kitchensgarden’ blog where Celi got together with Chicago John for a tour of Chicago’s shops and markets. Whilst the rest of us sit enviously behind a computer keyboard 😀 !


  2. That’s awesome, Conor! One of the things I love about this silly food blogging thing of ours is that we can become friends with people all over the world. Have fun in Holland!


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