Do you have frogs legs?

Hermione – One of the many frog adornments in my Mum’s house.

“No” replied the waiter. “It’s these pants, they are a little too tight.”

Now, let’s dispel the myth. The French are not great lovers of frogs legs. Just in the same way as true Italians look down their nose at Spaghetti Bolognese and the British don’t enjoy getting Toad in the Hole when out in restaurants (One needs to be careful how one puts that.).  All stereotypical ‘National’ dishes.

‘Doesn’t do exactly what it says on the tin.’ Not any more.

We were discussing ‘foreign’ foods that we had not eaten before with Lisa up in George’s Fish Shop in Monkstown Farm. Lisa suggested that we sample some frogs legs. I was a bit resistant until I saw the packaging. The Jumping Jack name was enough to win me over and make me want to try them.

“They look like human bums” quipped one of my young ‘uns. I found it hard to argue.

I am always up for something new so Frogs Legs in Breadcrumbs with Lemon and Salad was the order of the day.

The gratuitous raw meat shot. I was going to be rude but Mum might read this.

I called to my mum the day before we were due to have or frogs legs starter. I told mum of our plan. “I’m not eating them.” was her reaction. She reminded me of the frogs in her garden as well as the various frog ornaments around the house and garden, including Hermione, pictured above, who resides in Mum’s bedroom. This was not a great help to the chef.

When it came to cooking time, I manfully ignored my growing qualms (They DO look cute, don’t they?) and got on with preparations.

Here’s what you will need

  • Frogs legs (ours were frozen and originated in Vietnam)
  • Panko or similar breadcrumbs
    (I say “or similar” because I got a sack of something akin to Panko in the Chinese supermarket.).
  • Milk
  • 2 eggs
  • Oil for frying (either deep or shallow – it’s your call).

Separate the frogs legs with a big knife. The legs together are just too froggy (even for me). Soak them in milk for an hour or so.

Legs, bathing in egg, after slicing by the big cleaver. I spared you that picture at least.

Drain them. Dip them in an egg wash (egg beaten with a little bit of water). Dip them in the breadcrumbs.

Rolled in the breadcrumbs. Starting to look edible and tasty? Maybe not…

Then dip them into the oil (190C) and fry until golden and cooked.

A quick fry off in the wok. The breadcrumbs give them a nice crispy outside.

Serve with  a salad of mixed leaves and lemon wedges.

That’s another one off the list of “Must try that some day.”They were tasty enough, a little like chicken. Funny, how every unusual food seems to taste “a little like chicken” to everybody. Alligator, crocodile and even the magnificent tuna (the chicken of the sea). Though, I don’t know that I can look at those cute ornaments around Mum’s house in the same way again.

I scoffed mine along with a salad and some lemon juice. Tasty but not exceptional.

40 thoughts on “Do you have frogs legs?

  1. My mother has elephant ornaments all over her house – I dread to think what would have happened if I rocked up with a couple of elephant steaks. I admire your adventurous streak – they look a little too froggy for me even deep fried in breadcrumbs and served up with salad, Croak.


  2. I ticked them off my list when I was about 18. I recall I was trying to impress a new boyfriend with my sophistication. They were so unremarkable that I’ve seen to need to repeat them.


  3. In Brazil they are usually recommended for babies and toddlers suffering from allergies (respiratory allergies and low immunity in my sons’ case). We can easily buy them in supermarkets, frozen in bags and ready to cook. I used to prepare them in a tomato sauce, went down a treat. I don’t think they are worth the effort, if not for their healthy/medicinal(?) properties… Having said that, anything in breadcrumbs is usually quite nice with a cold beer… 🙂


  4. Brave, brave man!

    I’ve never tried these (but have had) several opportunities during my various travels abroad to Asia. Once in shanghai a good friend offered to take me to eat bull frog, where the ‘legs are as large as a chicken drumstick.’ My guy & I politely declined… 😉


  5. People assume I must have eaten loads growing up and always ask what they’re like so I felt I should at least be able to give an informed answer. So I gave them a shot a few years back cooked the simple way: fried with butter, garlic and herbs. ‘Just like chicken’ and rather unremarkable was my opinion too. Chicken is much bigger and much cheaper though, and a lot more versatile. In conclusion, they’re not awful but I think I will stick to poultry.


  6. I love your post. My mother also has a home adorned with frog likenesses. The tradition of collecting them started with her mother and has been carried on in varying degrees by myself and my three sisters. I could NEVER eat frog’s legs!! 🙂


  7. Unremarkable? As a kid I remember being excited to try them pan-fried. I recall an unpleasant “fishiness”, as in old fish, that left me thinking I would not try again. That said, I know bullfrog season has recently opened around here…. I am half tempted to try again. Did you perceive any fishiness?


  8. I have not seen frog legs sold in stores in New England. When we lived in Miami, Florida, we occasionally went out to a tiny restaurant at the edge of the Everglades and my husband would order frog legs. I tried one and I do think that they do taste a lot like chicken legs.


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